About Lt Affiliates
About Lt Affiliates
- Adult Cam Site Affiliate Yes
- Adult Site Affiliate Yes
Lt Affiliates is not a part of any of our affiliates. We simply advertise our affiliate links provided by affiliate. Promotion banners, ads, pictures, videos come from our affiliates.
**Please contact us by email: admin@ltcreationblog.com
If you have any questions or issues.
Lt Creations
Lt Creations formally Lt Affiliates. Lt Creations is not a business. I don't do my designs for hire
Lt Creations
- Free Hand drawings to Digital Creations
- Adult Content Creator
- Adult Site Affiliate
Lt Creations & LT Affiliates us approved affiliate to Content Link or Banners. We are not part of, or own affiliates brand. we are approved affiliate or advertisers.
Frequently asked questions
Is Lt Affiliate Copy Righting
Lt Affiliates has permission from Affiliates to share or advertise promotion banners, ads, pictures, videos.
Is Lt Affiliates Scam or Fake?
No, Lt Affiliates does not sell anything.
Does Lt Affiliates get paid?
We do not charge anyone if they signup though our links. Lt affiliates don't advertise or promote enough to make $$ from affiliates
Do Lt Affiliates Advertise or promote under age?
No. Lt Affiliates does not advertise or promote and under-age, or sex trafficking.
Does Lt Affiliates Collect information?
The information we collect is for affiliates.
Does Lt Affiliates sell or use information collected?
No we do not sell or give out personal information. Please see our privacy policy page
New Adult Cam Models or Adult Content Creators
Must be 18 years or older
Valid State Photo ID or Drivers License
Adult Cam Models and Content Creators can not have any felony sex charges.
The affiliate model or creator registers with
Full Requirements and Registering Infomation.
Lt Affiliates don't produce promote or tolerate child or underage content or porn, Child trafficing will report any illegal child or underage. If you have any other questions please contact by email admin@ltaffiliates.com